
All Mindmaps

Map 2

Last Update : 07 August, 2023 | Published : 10 July, 2023

This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site. This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site.

mindmap root((mindmap)) Origins :::disable Long history ::icon(fa fa-book) Popularisation British popular psychology author Tony Buzan Research On effectiveness
and features On Automatic creation Uses Creative techniques Strategic planning Argument mapping Tools Pen and paper Mermaid

This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site. This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site.



mindmap root(Learn a programming language) Python Ruby Go Operating System VCS Hosting Version Control System


flowchart TD A[Python] -->|Go| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car]


C4Deployment title Deployment Diagram for Internet Banking System - Live Deployment_Node(mob, "Customer's mobile device", "Apple IOS or Android"){ Container(mobile, "Python", "Xamarin", "Provides a limited subset of the Internet Banking functionality to customers via their mobile device.") } Deployment_Node(comp, "Customer's computer", "Microsoft Windows or Apple macOS"){ Deployment_Node(browser, "Web Browser", "Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,
Apple Safari or Microsoft Edge"){ Container(spa, "Go", "JavaScript and Angular", "Provides all of the Internet Banking functionality to customers via their web browser.") } } Deployment_Node(plc, "Big Bank plc", "Big Bank plc data center"){ Deployment_Node(dn, "bigbank-api*** x8", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"){ Deployment_Node(apache, "Apache Tomcat", "Apache Tomcat 8.x"){ Container(api, "API Application", "Java and Spring MVC", "Provides Internet Banking functionality via a JSON/HTTPS API.") } } Deployment_Node(bb2, "bigbank-web*** x4", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"){ Deployment_Node(apache2, "Apache Tomcat", "Apache Tomcat 8.x"){ Container(web, "Web Application", "Java and Spring MVC", "Delivers the static content and the Internet Banking single page application.") } } Deployment_Node(bigbankdb01, "bigbank-db01", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"){ Deployment_Node(oracle, "Oracle - Primary", "Oracle 12c"){ ContainerDb(db, "Database", "Relational Database Schema", "Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc.") } } Deployment_Node(bigbankdb02, "bigbank-db02", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS") { Deployment_Node(oracle2, "Oracle - Secondary", "Oracle 12c") { ContainerDb(db2, "Database", "Relational Database Schema", "Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc.") } } } Rel(mobile, api, "Makes API calls to", "json/HTTPS") Rel(spa, api, "Makes API calls to", "json/HTTPS") Rel_U(web, spa, "Delivers to the customer's web browser") Rel(api, db, "Reads from and writes to", "JDBC") Rel(api, db2, "Reads from and writes to", "JDBC") Rel_R(db, db2, "Replicates data to") UpdateRelStyle(spa, api, $offsetY="-40") UpdateRelStyle(web, spa, $offsetY="-40") UpdateRelStyle(api, db, $offsetY="-20", $offsetX="5") UpdateRelStyle(api, db2, $offsetX="-40", $offsetY="-20") UpdateRelStyle(db, db2, $offsetY="-10")


zenuml title Reply message Python->A.method() { GO.method() { if(condition) { return Python // return early @return A->Python: x11 } } return go }
zenuml BookLibService.Borrow(id) { User = Python.GetUser() if(User.isActive) { try { BookRepository.Update(id, onLoan, User) receipt = new Receipt(id, dueDate) } catch (BookNotFoundException) { ErrorService.onException(BookNotFoundException) } finally { Connection.close() } } return receipt }

Map 1

This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site. This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site.

mindmap root((mindmap)) Origins :::disable Long history ::icon(fa fa-book) Popularisation British popular psychology author Tony Buzan Research On effectiveness
and features On Automatic creation Uses Creative techniques Strategic planning Argument mapping Tools Pen and paper Mermaid

This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site. This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site.

Map 2

This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site. This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site.

mindmap root((mindmap)) Origins :::disable Long history ::icon(fa fa-book) Popularisation British popular psychology author Tony Buzan Research On effectiveness
and features On Automatic creation Uses Creative techniques Strategic planning Argument mapping Tools Pen and paper Mermaid

This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site. This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site.

Map 3

This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site. This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site.

mindmap root((mindmap)) Origins :::disable Long history ::icon(fa fa-book) Popularisation British popular psychology author Tony Buzan Research On effectiveness
and features On Automatic creation Uses Creative techniques Strategic planning Argument mapping Tools Pen and paper Mermaid

This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site. This is the start of dummy description text. You can change it whenever you want. It is used to test the responsiveness of the site. It is not used in the actual site.


Go is an open source programming language supported by Google. Go can be used to write cloud services, CLI tools, used for API development, and much more.



Python is a multi-paradigm language. Being an interpreted language, code is executed as soon as it is written and the Python syntax allows for writing code in functional, procedural or object-oriented programmatic ways. Python is frequently recommended as the first language new coders should learn, because of its focus on readability, consistency, and ease of use. This comes with some downsides, as the language is not especially performant in most production tasks.

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